CFD Workflow : How to Set Up a Fluid Dynamics Analysis

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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a way of rearranging such processes and systems in a series of differentiating statistics using digital computers. It provides appropriate consultation with the amount of fluid flow through mathematical modeling, optional, and other pre-and post-processing tools. It has greatly helped scientists to improve the strength of the liquid. It has replaced traditional liquid energy methods with more powerful computational tools. The potential effects of computational fluid are comparable to actual laboratory results. Computational Fluid Dynamics is based on the basic physiological mechanisms of the following fluid forces:

  • Energy Conservation
  • Newton’s second law
  • Mass Conservation

CFD Workflow Guide: How to Set Up a Fluid Dynamics Analysis

The result of CFD is usually a set of numbers for the purpose of engineering analysis. Most of the powerful Computational fluid dynamics numerical algorithms we use today are deeply embedded in the mathematical structures of flow equations. It empowers designers and designers to design safe and comfortable environments. It enhances the aerodynamic features of the aircraft by influencing small details. It is also used to reduce health risks from radiation and other hazards. This technology is increasingly being used to simulate walking on a car. Estimates of the pressure field influenced by the rotor by helicopter fuselage can be estimated with the help of this technology. Biomedical engineering has been widely used in circulatory and respiratory systems. The impact of this technology is growing rapidly as it is less expensive. But modern flow measurement is complex and flawed and therefore requires a lot of engineering expertise to approach the desired solutions.

CFD Services uses well-designed geometry and has an understanding of the expected imitation effects that aids the process of obtaining a successful analysis. With special care in modeling and setting your imitation at the beginning of the analysis process, you are likely to save a lot of time over time. Before you can use simulation, and trust the results of the simulation, you must have an accurate measurement and description of the results. These estimates may be based on previous experience or based on previous models or industry performance. Having an idea of what the results should allow you to “mentally test” the effects of simulation. This is important because the performance of CFD results depends on the user’s valid input into the software. If you see unexpected results, you can easily spot potential errors in the simulation settings.

To create a CAD model that is very useful in your CFD analysis, it is important that you first know that you are interested in modeling internal or external flow. In the internal flow bound to solid objects such as pipes, you can simply model a standard object in 3D CAD software. If the flow is around a non-physical object, you can re-enter the model in simulation CFD. In the meantime, you will build a bounding box around the object that describes the size of the liquid flowing around the object. Alternatively, you can create a space around the object firmly inside your CAD software; usually by making a large box around the real thing like a new body. You can then import these bodies into Simulation CFD and set the external ones as any solvent fluid and solids in any structures it needs. This may be necessary if you are not able to adjust the size of the bounding box using the methods designed for Simulation CFD.

For a good CFD analysis, the model needs to be given enough details to show the truth, but not so much detail that it takes less time to do. Water flow can be very sensitive to small details and in addition to simplifying the model, one can miss some of that detail. However, simplification will result in the meshes taking too long to work without increasing the accuracy of the results. Therefore, it is important to leave those details that will not affect the flow, while including that information that will affect the flow. As with FEA, the first step in CFD meshing is usually with software to create automated machine distribution. This mesh is usually a course in places and maybe good for others as well. Mesh refining in CFD is exactly the same as FEA and can be treated in the same way by using built-in filter tools.

A very rough mesh will not be accurate enough to produce the right imitation results. Such a machine often creates dramatic results or displays some of the clearest artistic indications that something is wrong. A very good mesh requires a lot of computing power that can prevent it from performing analysis, or rediscovering the right design solution. One solution is known as adapting meshing, which filters the mesh according to the repetitive effects of the simulation. By using simulation many times, this tool only filters certain areas of the match to meet the correct solution. Here, we should note the differences between the mesh junction and the solution junction, which are discussed further in the resolution phase. For the flexible meshing to be more efficient, care must be taken to create a good first mesh.

During the geometry phase, the CFD engineer prepares the CAD Geometry for the CFD solution, which requires a solid 3D volume of its geometry. CFD requires very high standards in geometric quality than the average person. First, an engineer refines CAD geometry. They redefine areas with simple geometry, removing unnecessary elements such as ties and small details. They search for spaces and holes and often clean up a host of problems that cause problems in a CFD solution. The quality of the CFD machine is built from the quality of the original CAD geometry. Limitations on negative geometry restrict the predictive quality of low CFD. After introducing geometry into CFD software, the engineer created a CFD model. This incorporates physics into geometry. CFD simulations do not automatically load all the physics in the world; computer load can exceed most computers. Instead, the engineer selects the appropriate physics models, the parameters of the input model, and usually incorporates the required physics into your CFD simulation.

The mesh divides the geometry into millions of tiny cells. The combination of these cells and structured physics allows the software to solve the CFD problem. But not all meshes are made equal. Hinges of imitation quality in finding the right size of these cells in the right place. Mesh measurement is a key way to control a CFD engineer; they focus most of their time on this step. Requires a repetitive process: try certain match settings; check imitation; check results; improve match settings. There is no effective simulation for the first time. The engineer is looking at a number of potential problems:

  • Incorrect physics settings
  • Problem areas that require additional match fixes
  • Imitating instability
  • Bad results
  • Some unknown problems.

The independent mesh study systematically evaluates imitations of various sizes and compares simulation results with each mesh size. The engineer searches for an independent mesh state where the results do not change with the size of the match. Once achieved, the engineer can predict the accuracy of the simulation. The next step specifies numerical parameters, e.g. to set solver parameters, discretization schemes, etc. Depending on the type of simulation, each problem has its own unique structure. Usually, one problem can be solved with repetitive solutions and different solver parameters; however, to solve the problem successfully, it is very important to provide appropriate solver parameters and number systems.

The green output from the CFD simulation is a database of numerical data, which can be easily interpreted by humans. In post-processing, an engineer converts that database into a variety of presentations, highlighting key points. These are usually visual images. But they can also be tables, prices somewhere, or just about any other type of data requested. Discuss the results with your engineer before starting production. Developer programs for most of these output files in one template before making multiple copies in each simulation situation. Generally, engineers are happy to add additional posts to the template. More work comes from adding post usage after the fact because they need to manually edit the processing of each post in each simulation file.

Finally, the engineer writes everything in the report. In addition to the results, the report should provide sufficient detail for the third party to produce a CFD simulation. This serves as an alternative to quality control. Many companies strike a balance between reporting excessive information and protecting their technology. Usually, they will happily explain the simulation settings, but capture details about the exact size of the match. This is because most of the imitation quality is based on mesh size.

Also Read: Role Of Computational Fluid Dynamics In Product Manufacturing

Mechanical Engineering Design Services are Gaining Importance

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Mechanical engineering design services provide the necessary materials and framework to accomplish the intended functions of the product. Many industrial design firms can design the exterior of a product with an impressive 3D rendering but, while it may not look good, operating requirements are often overlooked. In addition, manufacturers often discard these files, which can cause costly reconstruction and engineering down the road. All of this can be mitigated from the outset, through the use of professional design and incorporation of their equipment building services. Strength is defined by a variety of materials, components, assembly components, etc. Work is available through gears, circuit boards, and other modes performed within the invention. An experienced designer can pinpoint the breakdown points in an industrial design, and plan the necessary internal functionality to ensure the product will last while performing its functions successfully. Therefore, it is effective to combine mechanical and industrial manufacturing at the same time to develop a kind of beauty, durability, and efficiency.

Mechanical Engineering Design Services are Gaining Importance

Before producing a machine-made product, it is important to design a similar model and test it. Mechanical engineering services help to process. The designers took the design process in two steps. The conceptual design was originally designed to give a brief overview of the project. After the necessary adjustments or improvements are made, a detailed design is developed that gives a clear idea of what the final product will look like. The CAD drawing is widely accepted in the industry, as they provide a very clear view of the dimensions and views on all sides. In addition, they offer 2D to 3D conversion services and paper and CAD conversion options. Product and engineering analysis of the product is also possible with techniques such as thermal analysis. It refers to the behavioral analysis of a product and its properties in relation to changes in temperature conditions. It is especially important in the case of electronic and automotive heaters. They are especially vulnerable to temperature changes. Mechanical construction services help to address such issues and construction products appropriately. The procedure tests the function of certain body structures, such as enthalpy and size, by changing temperature. CAD migration and CAD translation are also two of the technologies used today, to test the structure and engineering of the product as a whole.

These services help to some extent, prevent problems and waste time on product conversion after processing. It can be done in the design phase itself. Due to the importance and demand for mechanical services in many industries, the demand for machine designers is growing.

Equipment design assists designers in the following ways:

  • Choosing the right items and the right conditions,
  • Calculate the size according to the loads on the machines and the power of the story,
  • Specify the manufacturing process for a partial design for the machine or the whole machine.

Machine engineering design involves the use of mathematics, kinematics, statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, engineering materials, mechanical technology of metals, and engineering drawing. It includes the use of other topics such as thermodynamics, electrical theory, hydraulics, engines, turbines, pumps, etc. Machine drawing is an important part of machine design because all parts of machinery are designed to be drawn to make it according to specific definitions. Without machine design the title of the machine design is incomplete. Today’s organizations work tirelessly to deliver unique products to their customers in order to keep up with the ever-increasing competition. The delivery of large products requires smooth production and assembly construction so that each step of the process of adding value is much faster than before. Production and assembly incorporation of product design and process planning into one. The main purpose of the design of any product is to bring about something economically profitable with high quality. It is important to note that organizations may incur more than 75% of product costs during the completion of the design process while other production costs are estimated at the time of production decisions.

When launching a product, managers should ensure a reduction in product management during the suspension, direction, or adjustment of a particular part of the product. Equal parts should be used to avoid failure. Clear guidelines for component and product management should be provided to employees as it prepares the work culture and improves the integration process. Units should minimize damage to property and waste components during production and packaging. The assembly process for any production unit should be simple and flexible. Managers must ensure that the composition is guaranteed in its products and materials. Products should be designed to have a self-testing r test. Any handiwork without value addition should be minimized and the connection of processes. Any production process that uses the design of printed circuit boards should reduce partial variability, allow for standard packaging, and maintain normal material consistency.

Manufacturing and integration design is an important part of product development. Much of the time and effort is devoted to improving the structure of these processes as organizations that are well versed in these areas tend to maximize corporate profits. Once the company has decided to proceed with the product / artifact, the next step is to go to a technical engineering service provider. Since product design can have many responses, there is often an iteration involved in the design process. The construction services company will handle all of this rotating duplication. Here are the basic steps taken by any engineering construction service provider:

Identify project requirements
This process usually contains a list of product function and customer requirements and expectations regarding product features.

Collect relevant information about the product
More research goes into this step. It can include studying competitors’ products, reading books, browsing the internet about similar products and talking to potential buyers. This step also includes identifying the loads, parameters, conditions and strengths to be used in the product. Product design should be such that it helps to work smoothly for the purpose of the product under very difficult conditions. At the same time, construction needs to be improved and more attractive.

Think of possible solutions
Since design engineering is a mixture of science and art, there can be more than one solution for product development. The engineering construction services team discusses various options that can lead to an excellent artifact. It is also important to ensure that costs and development time are kept to a minimum. This requires finding the right product for the first time. Today’s state-of-the-art CAD software is accurate and suggestive. They also contain a standard library that can help designers meet the required standards and design goals. CAE software solutions enable the engineering construction service team to analyze and mimic product designs that highlight weaknesses in the construction that in turn help companies develop robust product designs.

Focus into the most common solution
After reviewing all “What if” scenarios, companies can streamline the design they wish to pursue.

Launch and test the building solution
The advent of 3 D Printers has made prototyping easier. Many engineering service delivery companies use a 3 D printer to create a 3 D object. The design of the visual model helps companies ensure product performance, balance, form and ergonomics. This further helps to improve the performance of the product design.

Engineering is always a process of improving the truth so all engineers – no matter what stage of their career – always feel that they have a lot to learn. During the design process, previously thought-out solutions go to the real world. Prototyping provides a great opportunity for engineers to learn from their mistakes without having to face the consequences. During the design phase of the design process, concepts are transformed into models used for testing. This is where real learning takes place because the whole group will be making notes about the testing and performance of the type of model mentioned in its desired location. It has never been a question of success or failure but of improvement.

Also Read: Will Mechanical Engineering Services Ever Rule The World?

Tips for Meshing Your CAD Model for Structural Analysis

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CAD modeling is used by many designers to create computer-generated material models before they are physically produced. CAD stands for computer-assisted formulation. Engineers, architects, and even artists use computers to assist with their construction projects. Computers allow them to visualize their make-up and face problems before using any of the tools needed to put them in a physical position. In many cases, it may be helpful to identify other possible measurements in geometry. Using an equation is one of the most common and powerful ways to reduce the size of a problem. By definition, equilibrium exists when there is an asymmetry of geometry, loads, and obstacles with a line or plane of measurement. Structures can have interlocking boundaries, such as intersections between multiple objects, connections, cracks, etc. Statistically, FEM is based on the assumption that migration continues within an object. Joints are regions where it is possible to stop working, such as cracks. This means that migration does not need to continue. In addition to the migration jump, there is a clear escape from the stress on the visual connector.

Tips for Meshing Your CAD Model for Structural Analysis

Meshing Technique

  • Start with meshing problem areas. Meshing is generally repetitive. The mesh is designed for quick removal and retrieval.
  • Set a time limit. Time can run out when meshing. Setting a time limit for certain match regions. For example, give 20 minutes to achieve the best distribution of matches.
  • Focus on the larger picture. Maintain general strategies and inventory as you progress through construction.
  • Perform an extreme run to feel the pressure areas, and then improve accordingly. Avoid overloading the machine, which puts you at risk of tripping over a cliff.

Each asset has a different modulus. In the absence of cracks, the problems in common areas are the same. Now, knowing that stress = modulus x strain leads to different pressures on each side of the interface. In other words, we have pressures. Such an omission cannot be taken with an object passing through the interface. Similarly, other situations where there may be no object across the border include:

  • When geometry changes, elements cannot cross these boundaries, and you need to have nodes in the interface
  • When loads suddenly change, nodes need to be present in the interface when the load suddenly changes
  • Nodes need to be present in areas where fixed loads are used

Automatic algorithms detect communication connectors as long as the CAD model is separated between the interfaces. Normally, the default tetrahedral mesra works well, but if the object is separated from the visible connector, separation is required. Automatic spaces generators usually start by creating a triangular space. They proceeded to extrapolate using these triangles to form tetrahedrons in volume. In many cases, the formation of tetrahedrons built into the volume can be severely disrupted, leading to the failure of the mesh generation. This often meets in two cases:

  • CAD geometries are complex
  • Geometry with high proportions

Depending on the geometry of the structure, the CAD model may contain geometry of high factor ratios, fillets, etc. In such a case, it is possible that the automatic meshing may not produce the best meshes. In most cases, these small structures are bound when large materials are used, and the machine often does not correspond directly to the geometry. In such cases, it is best to resort to mesor refinement. Problems involving direct stiffness are one of the well-researched problems in mechanical engineering. For all solid-line problems, regardless of machine sizes, the Newton-Raphson iteration will switch to a single iteration. However, it is always recommended to do mechanical refinement research and integration to ensure the accuracy of the solution. However, the same cannot be said when a material incompatibility is involved. The problem can be solved and there can be a unique solution. However, the problem may fail to meet if the mesh is not good enough in regions where strong inconsistencies are observed. Here we have provided tips on environmentally friendly communication problems.

Communication is not very linear in nature and to this day it remains a computer challenge for modeling major communication problems. Thinking about it in simple terms, sometimes there is no communication and suddenly there can be communication. Many problems involving excessive submission are out of line but persist. However, it should be remembered that the contact is either a switch or does not stop. Some of the original planes had rectangular windows, but it was soon discovered that sharp corners led to increased pressure and cracking. Identifying such points of unity and refining the mesh in these areas can lead to accurate results of Structural Analysis.

The magnitude of the pressure is that point in the mesh where the pressures do not change. Theoretically, the pressure at this point is constant, and as the match is cut, the pressure at this point continues to increase. However, it is important to know that the migration of people included in these pressures remains accurate even though the actual pressure is currently questionable. That aside, at a very short distance from the point, the calculated pressures are accurate. However, such incidents are actually very common in fact, and the user needs to identify these locations. They are often encountered in point-of-point locations, where sharp corners are located, and at points that are restricted to more than one point.

Nonlinearities of Geometry and the effects of locks are often seen when using solid materials to build small structures. This is especially true if they carry heavy loads. This type of lock is known as “shear locking”. The shear lock should not be confused with membranes or volume lock effects. The shear key is detected from the first-order elements that use the linear functionality of motion translation. In other words, deletion must be by active line and the performance of the line function remains the same. Therefore, challenges are always present in everything. In fact, it is not. Such a wrong measurement of gravity inevitably leads to an inaccurate estimation of the strength of the type, and the overall structure shows very high durability. The displacement of the building net will be much lower than what was seen in the actual building.

The low-quality mesh will not only lead to negative imitation effects but can also cause the solver to produce an error due to instability. Such instability is often caused by poor or illegal quality cells. This is something you want to avoid as much as possible. Similarly, while a mesh can contain millions of nodes, that fact alone does not equal quality. Ensuring a well- defined, simple, clean, and waterproof geometry will often be the difference between an effective high-quality cells. Geometry should be firm and should not have unusual features such as intersections or sharp exits. Clean geometry means it is closed and has no geometric problems. The construction of waterproof geometry will allow the solver to distinguish between different flows domains, which is very important, especially in the simulation of external flow. Maintaining a skewness ratio is key to accuracy and quality. In complex geometries, maintaining the skewness ratio of an entire cell can be difficult, if not impossible, a good practice to ensure that it adheres closely. Different conditions require and control different skewness measurements, but in normal use, solid cell distortion is an indication that the skewness rate of the cell is very large and further refining is required.

Boundary refinement is a very critical parameter that is sometimes overlooked by newcomers to CFD simulations online. While increasing precision near the inner or outer geometric area, the refinement of the boundary layer also, more deeply maintains the distance of the unmeasured wall or Y + of the selected disturbance model to increase accuracy. Accurate measurement of stress levels in areas of concern is required, such as close holes, ties, metal toes, and other similar pressure devices. FEA loads and limits can be applied to points or line features, rather than over-distribution. In practice, any responsibility or support is distributed to the region. Using a point or line means a moderate force applied to a relatively small area, which gives constant pressure – which is the only pressure. Stupid senseless ties and irons also cause this.

Also Read: CAD Designing Services For Mechanical Engineering

Top IoT Development Predictions for 2023

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IoT is intelligently changing the world for the better. There was a time when Internet communication was only available on phones and computers. Over the past decade, this focus has shifted to all technologies. Gradually, we are seeing improvements to Internet- connected devices. All of these devices collect and share information to make our lives easier. The idea of making smart devices, including sensors in them, came about in the 1990s. The last decade is a symbol of device design and related ideas and concepts. We all know that the technology industry values innovation and innovation. Devices like smart refrigerators start making all the noise.

Top IoT Predictions for 2021

It is very likely that next year will see the flourishing of IoT deployments in various industrial sectors, where the use of private networks to control IoT devices, to save them from some kind of security threat from external resources. It will help reduce costs and prove an extra layer of security shields, and there will be an exciting attack on mobile operators, which is likely to increase the private network market with smaller, local LTE cells. The constant turmoil caused by this epidemic has brought us to a point where our current work environment will only be so far away. Expensive office space for companies will be a thing of the past, where great residential arrangements are being made. Now, everything has changed, when future offices will be integrated with IoT application development, allowing for a safer environment, and smart lighting combined with the use of approved space for sensors can be a common experience. In addition, job monitoring will enable high-speed areas to prioritize clean-ups, control overcrowded areas, and change the structure of offices for social order.

The transition to digital health promotion and pop-up testing sites and vaccines is readily available – and paves the way for a new level of health care services. Distance learning opens the doors to new digital experiences and shared resources – but it also helps to make democracy accessible to information. Manufacturers and asset management become more sophisticated, and digital twins provide more efficient and cost-effective solutions – with increasing acquisition and broader use. Micro-mobility solutions are changing the way we travel in urban areas. The epidemic may be overshadowing our resilience, but it is a major challenge that we must face together – to become a new standard for winning new and business approaches.

Smartwatches will have a huge impact on the IoT space and on the lives of customers next year. Companies like Samsung have refined the smartwatch information with a UX perspective, but have also collected as much data as possible from their existing customers. I think this will lead to a more accurate health study, more features, and a better customer experience. Making mobile phones with geofencing allows you to lure your customers into mobile businesses while sending them relevant content or a copy of the ad to encourage them to visit the business, which could lead to sales. I feel that this technology has evolved year after year and, once everyone starts doing his business again, there will be a leap into foreign activities. The Wemo Insight Smart Plug is a single IoT product that should see the greatest demand in the market. This product uses your Wi-Fi connection to provide wireless control for all electronic devices in your home, directly from your mobile phone. Sleep tracking devices are becoming increasingly popular as people find it difficult to get a good night’s sleep and feel better in the morning. This is good for consumers because you need to sleep to feel like yourself, inside and outside the workplace. IoT kitchen gadgets will surely be downloaded in 2021 as more food-based devices are available in the market. For example, Io press compressors and other devices offer precise controls in food cooking and add a layer of safety as they can be turned off if you forget about the food you are making. As people continue to integrate work with home life, such devices will save time. It is becoming increasingly popular to have a smart door system installed in your home. People can monitor their packages, see who’s at the door, interact with outsiders and much more. In addition to comfort, it offers additional security and protection. These devices will continue to grow in popularity as they help consumers feel safe.

Disruption of production, supply chain, storage, and other activities caused by the epidemic creates a great need for automation. While many industries were in the early stages of adoption of the 4.0 segment in 2019, and the ROI is still being clarified, this year’s problem showed the benefits of automation and rapid digital transformation. Technologies such as robots, machine learning, and remote care will get a lot of momentum as industries will focus on reducing the need for refrigeration workers. After the last year, when workers who were not involved in essential services returned to their offices and factories, companies and organizations were required to ensure their safety and compliance with antitrust laws. In recent months, many new devices and services have been used to help manage buildings, keep employees separate, and ensure proper cleaning and hygiene. Organizations will continue to invest in connected technology to manage the environment and ensure the safety of employees at their facilities.

As we continue to connect devices to the Internet, new opportunities to take advantage of security risks are growing. Poorly protected IoT devices can serve as cyberattack access points by allowing malicious people to reset the device or deactivate it. Poorly designed devices can expose user data stealthily by leaving the data stream unprotected. Failure or malfunctioning devices may also pose a security risk. These problems are as big or as big as small, cheap, and ubiquitous devices on the Internet of Things as they are on computers that were the end of the Internet connection. Competitive costs and technical barriers to Io devices challenge manufacturers to build well-designed safety features on these devices, which can create greater security and long-term damage than their traditional computer counterparts.

To make matters worse, our ability to work in our day-to-day activities without the use of Internet-enabled devices or systems is likely to diminish in an offline world. In fact, it is becoming increasingly difficult to buy other offline devices because some retailers only make connected products. Day by day, we connect more and more dependent on IoT devices for essential services, and we need devices to be protected while realizing that no device can be completely secure.

IoT makes it easy to connect and monitor assets from almost any framework of smart grids and the energy sector using connected computing devices and resources. Energy buyers/researchers have the opportunity and accessibility to improve energy efficiency and energy efficiency. The smart grid drastically changes the way businesses operate. Using IoT technology, resources are designed to produce energy efficiently, reduce emissions and management costs, improve performance, and recover power faster, while operators are able to quickly identify output, allowing increased efficiency to manage responses.

IoT development should overcome many broad acceptance challenges. Blocked by issues related to security, privacy, equity, management, and cooperation. Factors such as general decision pressure, cultural change, budget constraints, and changing business priorities play an important role in IoT adoption. One of the most pressing challenges in the IoT industry is protecting consumer and employee data. Businesses are always vulnerable to data vulnerability and need to protect the personal and confidential information of hackers. IoT implementation depends on the nature of the business and is affected by the high cost of IoT products and services. Businesses need to address this issue by negotiating with industry organizations, governments, and other stakeholders.

The next few years will be crucial to increasing the use of IoT products. The main objective of these organizations will be to analyze potential market requests that can be changed to create price opportunities. It can bring about significant changes in the quality of life of consumers by improving their efficiency and productivity. However, there is still a need to incorporate concerted efforts to grow the industry to maturity by developing different aspects of new ecosystems. It is hoped that industrial cooperation with the government will boost the market in the future so that society can be better off globally.

Also Read: Top Insights For Successful IoT Product Development