Category Archive: Engineering Documentation/Standardization

Trends in Today’s Industrial Manufacturing Automation

In recent years, industrial Manufacturing Process Automation has witnessed remarkable advancements driven by automation technology. As manufacturers aim to enhance productivity, efficiency, and quality while reducing costs, automation has become an indispensable component of modern manufacturing processes. This blog will delve into the evolving trends in industrial manufacturing automation, focusing on the role of automation technology and its impact on the manufacturing process.

Industrial Manufacturing Automation

  1. Integration of Manufacturing Process Automation: The integration of industrial automation has become a cornerstone of modern manufacturing operations. Automation technology, such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs), robotics, and machine learning, enables manufacturers to automate various tasks, streamline processes, and optimize resource utilization. The integration of different automated systems allows for synchronized operations, minimizing downtime, improving overall efficiency, and reducing human error.
  2. Advanced Robotics and Collaborative Automation: Robotics plays a vital role in modern industrial manufacturing. Traditional robotic systems have now evolved to become more flexible, intelligent, and collaborative. Advanced robotics, such as collaborative robots or cobots, work alongside human operators, enhancing productivity and safety on the factory floor. Cobots are designed to perform repetitive or physically demanding tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex activities that require creativity and problem-solving skills.
  3. Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Automation: The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized various industries, and manufacturing is no exception. IoT devices and sensors provide manufacturers with real-time data and insights into their production processes, enabling predictive maintenance, remote monitoring, and optimized asset utilization. By leveraging IoT technology, manufacturers can achieve greater visibility, proactive decision-making, and improved efficiency throughout the manufacturing value chain.
  4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: Artificial intelligence and machine learning have become crucial components of industrial manufacturing automation. AI-powered systems can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make informed decisions in real time. Machine learning algorithms enable predictive maintenance, quality control, and demand forecasting. By leveraging AI and machine learning, manufacturers can optimize production, improve product quality, and reduce costs by identifying inefficiencies and streamlining processes.
  5. Additive Manufacturing and Automation: Additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing, has gained significant traction in industrial manufacturing. Automation plays a pivotal role in accelerating the adoption of additive manufacturing technologies. Automated systems handle tasks such as material handling, part removal, and post-processing, enabling continuous production and reducing manual labor requirements. The combination of automation and additive manufacturing offers manufacturers increased design flexibility, reduced waste, and improved time-to-market.
  6. Cybersecurity and Industrial Automation: As industrial manufacturing becomes increasingly connected and digitized, the need for robust cybersecurity measures is paramount. Automation technology relies heavily on interconnected systems, making them vulnerable to cyber threats. Manufacturers must prioritize cybersecurity by implementing measures such as data encryption, network segmentation, and regular system updates. By safeguarding their automation systems, manufacturers can mitigate the risks associated with cyberattacks and protect valuable intellectual property.

Exploring the Emerging Trends in Today’s Industrial Manufacturing Automation

Here are some statistics on the emerging trends in today’s industrial manufacturing automation:

  • The global industrial automation market is expected to reach $1.6 trillion by 2025.
  • The automotive industry is the largest driver of industrial automation, accounting for over 25% of the market.
  • The electronics and electrical industries are the second-largest drivers of industrial automation, accounting for over 20% of the market.
  • The manufacturing industry is expected to see the fastest growth in industrial automation, with a CAGR of over 10% from 2020 to 2025.
  • The adoption of industrial automation is being driven by the need to improve efficiency, productivity, and quality.
  • The use of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data is expected to revolutionize industrial automation in the coming years.

Top Manufacturing Industries in Industrial Automation

The top manufacturing industries in industrial automation are:

  • Automotive: The automotive industry is one of the largest and most important manufacturing industries in the world. Industrial automation is used in the automotive industry to automate a wide range of tasks, from production to quality control.
  • Chemical: The chemical industry is another large and important manufacturing industry. Industrial automation is used in the chemical industry to automate a wide range of tasks, from production to safety.
  • Food and beverage: The food and beverage industry is a large and growing manufacturing industry. Industrial automation is used in the food and beverage industry to automate a wide range of tasks, from production to packaging.
  • Electronics: The electronics industry is a large and growing manufacturing industry. Industrial automation is used in the electronics industry to automate a wide range of tasks, from production to testing.
  • Medical devices: The medical devices industry is a large and growing manufacturing industry. Industrial automation is used in the medical device industry to automate a wide range of tasks, from production to quality control.

These are just a few of the top manufacturing industries that are using industrial automation. As the world becomes more interconnected and globalized, the demand for industrial automation is expected to continue to grow.

Benefits of using industrial automation in manufacturing:

  • Increased productivity: Industrial automation can help manufacturers increase their productivity by automating repetitive tasks. This can free up workers to focus on more creative and strategic tasks.
  • Improved quality: Industrial automation can help manufacturers improve the quality of their products by reducing human error. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and repeat business.
  • Reduced costs: Industrial automation can help manufacturers reduce their costs by reducing the need for manual labor. This can lead to increased profits and a competitive edge.
  • Increased safety: Industrial automation can help manufacturers improve the safety of their workplaces by reducing the risk of accidents. This can lead to a healthier and more productive workforce.

Overall, industrial automation can offer a number of benefits to manufacturers. As the world becomes more interconnected and globalized, the demand for industrial automation is expected to continue to grow.

Why You Need an Engineering Consultant: The Best 5 Reasons

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, companies face numerous challenges when it comes to delivering successful engineering projects. Whether it’s complex infrastructure development, technological innovation, or process optimization, the need for expertise and guidance from an engineering consultant has become increasingly crucial. 

Engineering consultants bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and specialized skills that can make a significant difference in achieving project goals. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons why engaging an engineering consultant is essential for your organization’s success.

engineering consultant for business

What is an Engineering Consultant?

An engineering consultant is a professional who provides expert advice and assistance to clients in various engineering fields. They are typically hired on a project basis to offer specialized knowledge and skills to help solve engineering problems or optimize processes. Engineering consultants can work independently or as part of consulting firms, and they often have extensive experience and expertise in their respective fields.

Here’s the reason you require Engineering Consultants for Your Future project:

  • Specialized Expertise:

Engineering consultants possess a high level of specialized knowledge in their respective fields. They bring years of experience and exposure to various projects, allowing them to offer valuable insights and innovative solutions. 

With their deep understanding of industry best practices, emerging technologies, and regulatory requirements, consultants can provide the expertise needed to tackle complex engineering challenges. Whether it’s civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, or any other discipline, a consultant’s expertise can significantly enhance project outcomes.

  • Cost-Effectiveness:

Engaging an engineering consultant can prove to be a cost-effective solution for organizations, especially when compared to hiring full-time in-house experts. Hiring and training specialized engineering staff can be a time-consuming and expensive process. On the other hand, engineering consultants offer flexible arrangements, allowing companies to access their services on an as-needed basis. 

This means you only pay for the specific expertise and duration required for your project, resulting in significant cost savings. Moreover, consultants can help identify opportunities for process optimization and efficiency improvements, further reducing operational costs in the long run.

  • Objective and Unbiased Perspective:

One of the significant advantages of working with an engineering consultant is the objectivity they bring to the table. Since they are not bound by internal politics or preconceived notions, they can provide an unbiased assessment of your project. This impartial viewpoint is valuable in identifying potential risks, evaluating alternative solutions, and making informed decisions. 

By leveraging their external perspective, consultants can challenge assumptions, uncover hidden issues, and offer fresh insights that may have been overlooked internally. This objectivity contributes to better project outcomes and mitigates the risk of costly mistakes.

  • Access to a Network of Resources

Engineering consultants often have a vast network of industry connections and resources at their disposal. This network can be leveraged to benefit your project in numerous ways. Whether it’s accessing specialized subcontractors, procuring materials and equipment, or staying updated with the latest industry trends, a consultant’s network can provide a significant advantage.

Consultants bring valuable relationships with suppliers, regulatory agencies, and other industry stakeholders, which can streamline project execution and facilitate smooth collaboration. This access to resources enhances project efficiency and accelerates delivery timelines.

  • Risk Management and Compliance:

Engineering projects are often subject to various regulatory standards, environmental considerations, and safety requirements. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in costly penalties, project delays, and reputational damage. 

Engineering consultants are well-versed in these regulatory frameworks and possess the knowledge to ensure your project remains in compliance throughout its lifecycle. They can assess risks, develop risk mitigation strategies, and help implement robust safety protocols. By working with a consultant, you can minimize potential risks, maintain legal compliance, and safeguard your organization’s reputation.

How can Technosoft Engineering Consultants help you take your project to the Next Level?

Technosoft Engineering Consultants can provide several ways to help take your project to the next level. Here are some ways we can assist you:

  1. Engineering Expertise: Technosoft Engineering Consultants has a team of experienced engineers from various disciplines. They can provide expert guidance and support throughout your project’s lifecycle, helping you overcome technical challenges and optimize your project design.
  2. Product Development: Whether you’re developing a new product or improving an existing one, Technosoft can offer its expertise in product development. They can assist with concept design, prototyping, engineering analysis, testing, and manufacturing support, ensuring that your product meets the required specifications and standards.
  3. CAD and 3D Modeling: Technosoft specializes in computer-aided design (CAD) and 3D modeling services. Their skilled professionals can create detailed and accurate 3D models of your project, allowing you to visualize the final product and make informed decisions about its design and functionality.
  4. Simulation and Analysis: Through advanced simulation and analysis techniques, Technosoft can help you assess and optimize the performance of your project. Whether it’s structural analysis, fluid dynamics, thermal analysis, or other simulations, they can provide valuable insights to improve your project’s efficiency, safety, and reliability.
  5. Prototyping and Testing: Technosoft can assist in building functional prototypes of your project for testing and validation purposes. They have access to various fabrication technologies and can help you choose the most suitable prototyping method. Additionally, they can perform rigorous testing to ensure your project meets the desired performance criteria.
  6. Compliance and Certification: If your project requires compliance with specific regulations or industry standards, Technosoft can provide support in navigating the certification process. They have experience in regulatory compliance and can help ensure that your project meets all necessary requirements for successful certification.
  7. Project Management: Technosoft offers project management services to help you streamline your project’s execution. They can assist with project planning, scheduling, resource allocation, and risk management, ensuring that your project stays on track and within budget.
  8. Customized Solutions: Technosoft understands that each project is unique. They can tailor their services to meet your specific project requirements, providing customized solutions that align with your goals and objectives.

Technosoft Engineering Consultants can bring their expertise, resources, and technical capabilities to enhance your project’s success and take it to the next level.

Why Product Design and Development are important?

Product Design and development are linked to economic health of the manufacturing sectors. The innovation in the designed products provides a much more competitive impetus for revamping products and also developing new products. This requires a new design interpretation. It fuels innovation and creates a new product paradigm to force the rest of the industry to catch up. 

The market believes that Product Design counts in the success report of a company. So, let’s understand what product design is and why it is of the utmost importance.

Why Product Design and Development are Important


What is Product Design?

Product Design is to create a new product that is to be sold to customers. It involves a set of strategic and tactical activities to generate ideas and commercialize the same. It is a systematic approach in which the product designers conceptualize the ideas, evaluate them, and turn them into tangible inventions and products. 

Product Design & Development process involves imagination, creation, and iteration of the products. These products are designed to address customers’ needs and to solve problem statements in a given market. 

What is the purpose of Product design and development in business?

When a product is associated with a design, it communicates a sense of safety, comfort, and benefits to the end users. It also enhances the interaction of users with products and brands an emotionally positive influence of the business. 

The purpose of Product Design in business includes:

  1. To produce a premium quality product and endorse brand value.
  2. To have a high selling impact in the market.
  3. To develop and ideate products that trend in their time.
  4. To come up with a product that meets the needs of users and solves a problem statement.
  5. To make a product economic with the use of proper raw materials and costs without compromising its quality and benefits.
  6. To boost market share and target new demand segments.

Why is product design and development important in business?

One of the main reasons behind the success of any product is its design and selling strategy. Product design and development lets you prepare product designs that attract your target audience. It not only covers the outward appearance of the product or graphic elements such as website, packaging, and marketing materials; but also every aspect of it. This includes product architecture, interior design & fit-outs, retail design, exhibition design, interface design, and much more.

Benefits of Product Design in business

The identity of a product is depicted by a product design. It is a medium through which one can attract an audience and increase a product’s monetary value. Below mentioned are the advantages of Product Designing for your business.

  1. Providing Customer Satisfaction

Consumers will often evaluate a product based on its design. A glance at the excellent design, appealing appearance, accessibility, and restraints, directs the customer to conclude that the product is premium. 

  1. The determinant of product success

The creation and innovation of Product Design along with trends, determine its success. This improves a product’s performance, efficiency, and reduces the cost. 

  1. Increases Sales

A unique design is a factor that differentiates one product from another. This directly affects sales and increases investment returns for a business. 

  1. Improves company’s quality

With the optimal use of raw materials, reduced production cost, and minimized waste, a product designer specifies deeds without quality compromise. This also makes a product stand out.

  1. Improves business growth

The product design conveys the aesthetic value of the company. This directly impacts product sales, which is conversely related to business growth. 

All you have to contemplate is;

  1. Designing for your customer:

Product design adds value to your products. This is the deciding factor whether customers will buy from you or not. They are often willing to pay more for products that are well designed, have greater usability, increased functionality, and improved aesthetics. 

  1. Designing for efficiency:

The product designer improves the way your business operates and enhances its efficiency of processes, cost-effectiveness, quality of end product, and packaging. This can bring in substantial savings and help businesses comply with sustainability regulations and legislation. 


Product design and development are essential for the success of the business. It is a convenient way of getting a “WOW” response from the target audience. This is done by taking into consideration the global trends and resources available. 

Technosoft Engineering provides Product Design and Development solutions. We hold hands-on the global trends and enhance audience responses by iterating your product. We help generate rapid responses with available resources and help you boost your business.

We hope this article was helpful. If you are looking for the best Product Design Services, get in touch with us today via our website



New Trends in 2D to 3D Conversion – Technosoft Engineering

As per common belief, only one thing in the world is common and i.e. change. Everything keeps changing from time to time. We might not be capable of predicting the time when it will change. Probably, our personal experiences made us keep the world of Technology more change prone. Yes, unlike other industries Tech domain is quite dynamic. The urge for using latest versions then and there has pushed it forward quite unprecedentedly. Each time, there is an external influence which causes a new trend. Likewise, in the coming days, the following changes are said to turn the table and open up avenues in the arena of CAD design services. 2D to 3D Conversion services especially is said to have a new dimension.

2D to 3D conversion

CAD & Manufacturing Integration

All the designs you create in CAD are at the end of the day going to be used at a manufacturing facility, but there has always been a gap of understanding which leads to lack of quality delivery. Hence, integration between CAD and manufacturing is the need of the hour. Probably, this is said to improve efficiency by over 30 percent in overall operations especially in 2D to 3D conversion services.


If there is one word ruling the tech domain and infact all our lives, it is IoT. Right from the smart home applications to integrated connections etc. IoT is there in everything. Consequently, every single machine or equipment manufactured today has to be IoT ready as per industry experts. Apparently, IoT is not only changing dynamics of consumers, but also the service providers as well as the manufacturers. Several manufacturers are implementing IoT applications to make work simple. CAD operations as well need to be IoT ready to simplify the whole operations.

Cloud & Mobile CAD

Mobile phones were not this important until someone found the potential to consolidate the life of an individual. Today we can do everything with a mobile phone like watching movies, playing games, reading news reports and what not? But experts have been saying CAD design and 2D to 3D conversion services can also be done with a smartphone. Yes, don’t we like to innovate? This is an example of how we can simplify professionalism.

On the other hand, the advent of cloud services has opened up new avenues. Now Dropbox and Google Drive are said to get more sophisticated and simplified with simple storage and file management services.

Augmented Reality

If a team fails to deliver the best results, the core reason is lack of proper interaction. If you have a team of 100 people and each one looks after a task, there must be communication between them to keep the work going smoothly. But unlikely, an external push is always required to do this. Augmented reality will be the new external force as per industry experts. Superimposing computer generated imagery and data onto the real world are some of the changes expected in 2D to 3D conversion services. Apparently, you can make immersive experience with your CAD models using augmented reality.

Technosoft Engineering with an experience of two decades in the field of 2D to 3D conversion services offers impeccable solutions to simplify complex processes. Refer to this page to understand how the offerings of Technosoft are unique and how it keeps your ante up in the market.

Factors in Industrial Equipment Design – Technosoft Engineering

Since the dawn of large industrial facilities, industrial equipment vehicles also came into the fray. Since then there have been a lot of innovation in industrial equipment design. We see a lot of equipment coming up year after year. Some to handle large goods and vice versa, but whenever someone designs an industrial equipment they keep some critical factors in mind. Some of them are as listed below. These criteria will ensure your equipment will be of use despite the changing times i.e. its relevance will be felt forever beyond limits. Some of these are trends which might persist in years to come, but some have always been the talking point when it comes to a kickass industrial equipment design.
Industrial Equipment Design


You might manufacture the best product in the world, but what is the requirement in the market actually matters. People want a small equipment to transport a small pile of goods, but you end up giving something to handle a hundred piles of goods. Usability is a big question here. Manufacturers nowadays require equipment makers to interact and understand their usability needs. Failing to do so, you’ll be the first one to perish.


Every manufacturer has this in mind for sure and the recent regulations say anyone who fails to follow this rule will pay the price. Right from safety of your own employees to the safety in manufacturing everything is important. While moving the goods from one place to another, ensuring safety will be very critical. Malfunctioning of equipment carrying goods has been creating some ruckus in several manufacturing facilities reportedly. Often workers in the facility get affected due to it.


The longer your product works, higher are your chances of customer retention. Be it even the smallest of all equipment, people come back when they see quality in it. Hence Durability has been and will always be the most critical factor in deciding the longevity of a product. While this quite applicable to all industries, as an industrial equipment person, you might feel it is not necessary. But like how we defined usability, durability is also very important. Let us say, somebody buys industrial equipment from you and it fails to function after some couple of days. Will the person bother to buy again from you? Well, chances here are like a cat in a wall situation. If they don’t have a choice, they will. But if they do have one, they won’t. This might doom your business and let you perish. The more focus on durability will mean a lot to your business.

Raw Materials

Aluminium and steel were widely used some decades before. Even today we see the importance of these in some of our products both industrial and residential. But after a point they get replaced with a new product. Fiber and plastic started ruling in several industrial and residential applications off recently. Again, it matters what suits an industrial equipment to be sturdy. Yes, steel keeps it sturdy. Hence a lot of recycled steel is making rounds nowadays. Owing to excess usage of steel, several people have been encouraging recycling them. Hence some of the industrial equipment nowadays do come with recycled steel and in the near future we can reportedly see this becoming a trend to encourage sustainable practices to save the environment.

Technosoft Engineering with an experience of two decades in the field of engineering design offers impeccable solutions to simplify complex processes. Refer to this page to understand how the offerings of Technosoft are unique and how it keeps your ante up in the market.

Top Elements of CAD Design Services- Technosoft Engineering

Manufacturing process is complex by its nature without doubt. Even a small component with a twist undergoes a lot of technicalities. So engineers indulge in drawing designs and follow same suit for all products. But quality might deteriorate over a period of time. Hence came Computer Aided Design, which is shortly called as CAD.

CAD Design Services are now widely utilized in all industries right from automobile to electronics to name a few. Even though the design requirements differ from one industry to the other, the fundamentals remain the same. CAD consists of certain elements that are essential for your business. These elements are fundamental to any Computer Aided Design and they prove the relevance of CAD.

CAD Design

Computer Aided Analysis

The main limitation of human intervention in certain task is, monotonous activities leading to errors and certain tough tasks leading to inaccuracy. One such is solving analytical problems. As on date, it is quite evident how useful computers have been in solving complex analytical problems in a short time. The same with human intervention will take more time comparatively. Hence the design engineer need not depend on another resource to get proper analysis or computation on a specific design. He/she can conduct the same without much effort. Hence an organization saves time and resources with the use of Computer aided engineering. Especially in a large organization which consists of numerous teams and reaching out to each team member and requesting data will be a big challenge.

Computer Aided Visualization

Visualization is the key element to any design. For CAD Design Services essentially, a designer should look at the possibilities in real before delivering the output. This seemed to be a very big challenge in manual operations as everything was dependent on the assumptions. Luckily Computer Aided Design allows you to see the prototype of the output before concluding a project. As it is well understood, you can make changes accordingly and deliver the right design for your clients. Therefore you stay in line with the requirement of your client and always deliver the best. A designer can visualize the product by

• Automated drafting tools and graphics presentation
• A way of presenting numerical data in graphs & charts
• Virtual product animation
• Visualizing the aesthetic look

Computer Aided Synthesis

With visualization, a designer can see how the end product might look. With Computer Aided Synthesis, one can see the complete prototype and you see this in real time. Hence one can easily evaluate the performance of the design and deliver the right product to his/her client. These three elements has been playing a major role in CAD Design Services and none of these elements can be skipped. Synthesis especially is highly critical. You cannot deliver a product without testing its capabilities and see if you have offered the exact requirement of the client. Hence these elements are highly essential in CAD Design Services and they come under Human factor. Under system factor, the important components include Hardware and Software. These are quite straight forward and self-explanatory.

Technosoft Engineering with an experience of two decades in the field of engineering design offers impeccable solutions to simplify complex processes. Refer to this page to understand how the offerings of Technosoft are unique and how it keeps your ante up in the market.

Engineering Initiatives to Reduce your Time-To-Market

In the current product development environment, the products as well as the technology they are based on change rapidly. It is obvious that accelerating the PDLC (Product Development Lifecycle) can produce tangible benefits to the business. It can influence all the business success measures such as:
• Revenue generation
• Early to market advantage
• Competitive advantage
• Profits and profitability
• Customer Loyalty
As most of the above-mentioned measures are critical to the success of any business so any initiative which can drive Time-To-Market will be of utmost importance.

Engineer to Order Product Development

Considerable activities before the launch of the product lie with the Research and Development and the Engineering department for most of the products. The kind of initiatives which engineering can embark on to make sure that it gets the most out of every second are:

  1. Standardization: The engineering processes standardization can help avoid reinventing the complete product from the scratch each time a new request is received for developing a completely engineer-to-order product. It may not be possible to standardize the entire product as that will make ETO lose its purpose. However, the engineering standardization can be done at the parts level. By process and part standardization there can be a significant reduction in the time spent on engineering information creation and management, procuring and holding, parts handling, assembly line adjustments, etc.
  2. Collaboration: Collaborative engineering across divisions, plants, offices or business units from different countries can reduce the need for repeated engineering. A collaborative engineering environment can accelerate innovation and help avoid redundancy in engineering efforts thus reducing the time to market to significantly lower levels.
  3. Engineering Agility: In case of ETO products, each delivery is a new product development. To respond to RFP (Request for Proposal) extensive engineering may be involved in comparison to other products. Agility in engineering via a lean and mean pre-bid engineering mechanism can compress the lead time for proposals. This reduces the cost of pre-bid engineering as well as enhances the chances of winning the order. The agility can have a tremendous impact on the award-to-delivery phase of the product.

Make to Order Product Development

  1. Modularization: To assemble MTO products considerable time is needed depending upon the complexity of the assembly mechanism. By modularizing the assemblies as well as sub-assemblies into repeatable and reusable modules the speed to market can be enhanced. Also, modularization can help in reducing engineering effort significantly by enabling the reusability of modules in future development by simply replacing the obsolete technology.
  2. Standardization: In MTO standardization has a similar impact as in ETO at the building or manufacturing stage. This engineering initiative can help accelerate POC and eliminate uncertainties associated with assembly, thereby reducing downtime and unplanned delays. Standardization also helps increase asset utilization and enhances throughput so drives profitability.
  3. Engineering Agility: The engineering agility for MTO products provide the same benefits as in ETO products. Agility can help in increasing the engineering throughput, drives utilization, and engineering profitability.

Make to Stock Products

The MTS products best perceive the benefits of reducing the time to market. The means of achieving this is maximum for MTS products. The engineering initiatives that impact the TTM are as follows:

  • Collaboration
  • Re-Engineering
  • Modularization
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Continual Improvement
  • Concurrent Engineering
  • First time right

In all, it is evident that engineering can have a far-reaching impact on your business when it is aimed at solving TTM challenges. A lot of business metrics can be driven by just focusing engineering efforts on compressing TTM. But it also makes one wonder why most manufacturing companies have not embarked on such initiatives already or even if they have, why have they not resulted in the benefits that they clearly seem to be capable of delivering.

This is a question that may have a lot of answers, but one clear answer is the lack of clearly defined purpose and a measure of success. Like most initiatives the key driver to completion let alone success is the definition of measures of success of that initiative. Unfortunately, the key measures of success impacted by these initiatives are business measures and are seldom associated with engineering. However, this also goes on to emphasize the fact that engineering is also not just an isolated department, but one that can truly spell success or failure for a manufacturing enterprise.